
  • What is DH, at MSU and in the World?

    This week, I explored the various ways DH manifests and how its history has shaped perceptions of the field. In her essay for the first Debates in the Digital Humanities, Kathleen Fitzpatrick attempts to clarify what exactly is/are the Digital Humanities. She addresses the field’s evolution from the days of humanities computing and explores the…

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  • Research questions and methods matching

    This week, I attempted to draft my research idea for this course by working through the chart modeled in the figure “An Interactive Model of Research Design” from Joseph A. Maxwell’s book Qualitative Research Design as feature in Trevor Owens’s essay “Where to Start? On Research Questions in the Digital Humanities.” As Owens highlights, I…

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  • Introduction: About me

    Hello everyone! My name is Katie Knowles, and I am a PhD student in the English Department here at Michigan State University. I received a BA from Hanover College in English and Music. My master’s degree is from the University of Birmingham’s Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon, and my dissertation was entitled “Symphonic Shakespeare: Representations of…

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