
  • Content Management

    Selecting a content management system to fit your DH project is crucial; and, as pointed out in the “Choosing a platform” essay for this weeks reading is determined by several things: functionality, familiarity, community, support, and cost. Personally, I have the most experience with WordPress (which I’m using for this blog) and Omeka (which I’m…

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  • Shapes of Data

    On October 4, 2018 at about 10 am, I joined my colleagues in an event space at the University of Kansas to participate in the Digital Frontiers conference. That morning, Lauren Klein was giving the keynote lecture “Data Feminism: Community, Allyship, and Action in the Digital Humanities,” and she started the talk with a look…

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  • Research Management

    Last fall (when the world was still open), I attended Scout Calvert’s workshop “Crash Course in Research Data Management,” and I couldn’t believe how much I learned. I’d previously helped create rudimentary data management plans during my time as a project manager, but never something as in detail as was described in this workshop. At…

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