Introduction: About me

Hello everyone! My name is Katie Knowles, and I am a PhD student in the English Department here at Michigan State University. I received a BA from Hanover College in English and Music. My master’s degree is from the University of Birmingham’s Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon, and my dissertation was entitled “Symphonic Shakespeare: Representations of the Plays in Romantic Music.” From January 2017 to August 2019, I was the project manager for the IRIS Digital Humanities Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. My research interests include Early Modern drama, digital humanities, theatre as cultural heritage, and affective atmospheres. Right now, I’m examining the ways in which theatres act as cultural heritage sites that affectively influence performance. This semester, I’m hoping DH865 will help me refine my research question for developing a digital humanities project that may eventually evolve into a digital component of my dissertation project.

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