
  • Mentored Research Proposal

    Effects of Digital Storytelling Projects on Student Learning in the Humanities This study will interrogate the ways in which digital storytelling might affect student learning in humanities courses. With an increase in online learning, traditional methods of student assessment may shift in terms of course assignments and projects. Digital storytelling has the potential to give…

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  • Teaching Philosophy Statement

    As an educator, it is my goal to foster student engagement in the arts and humanities through technology and develop their ability to participate in interdisciplinary collaborations and conversations. In my classroom, I create a space where students feel safe trying, failing, and reattempting to navigate new ideas, tools, and methodologies. I can only lead…

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  • Week 11

    Course Quality Analysis Specific Review Standards from the QM Higher Education Rubric, Sixth Edition Course Overview and Introduction 1.1 Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components. 3/3 The navigation bar clearly labels where students can access course components. Additionally, the powerpoint on the main pages breaks down these…

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