
  • Project Planning & Developing a Workflow

    This past Friday marked the beginning of the new semester and the phase of the fellowship in which our weekly meetings become more oriented to our individual projects. However, things are going to be slightly different this year. For my ‘21-’22 project, I spent the early weeks of developing the Stratford Memory Map sifting through…

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  • Project Announcement: Stratford Heritage Guide

    I am excited to announce that for my CHI Fellowship project this year, I will be creating the Stratford Heritage Guide. This project will explore the subjective nature of Stratford-upon-Avon’s relationship with Shakespeare and examine how narratives about that town that are presented as completely objective have attempted to influence visitors’ perspectives. The presentation of…

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  • Then and Now: Revisiting the Rapid Development Projects as a Senior Fellow

    During October, we completed our first Rapid Development Challenge of the year. This first project consists of developing a two page project vision document and then transforming that document into a website. Brainstorming a new project with new collaborators was exciting–despite having the same options of heritage institutions to choose from as last year, my…

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